- What is a Computer?
- Hardware and software definitions.
- Computer components:
- Motherboard
- RAM Memory
- Microprocessor
- Power Supply
- Storage Devices
- Hard Drives
- SSD Solid State Devices
- Peripheral Devices
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Monitor
- Speakers
- Printer
- Scanner
Activivities that have to be included in the notebook
- Hardware and Software definitions
- Activity 1, 2, 3 (Virtual CD) pages 126 and 127
- Activity 3 (CD) page 127
- Activities 7 (CD), 8, 10 and 12 page 129
- Keywords page 203
- Unit summary page 150
- Comprehension Activities Page 152: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10
Activivities that have to be done in the Computer Lab
- Practical 1, 2. Basic Windows functions
- Practical 3, 4. Folders and Documents
- Practical 5, 6, 7. Files, shortcuts, Control Panel